HAVE you or a loved one been diagnosed with a life-altering condition?
DO you feel angry, sad, anxious, depressed or helpless?

It’s time to take control of your situation before it controls you!

I Will Survive: Techniques for Coping with a Health Challenge is a new book that will help you look inward and forward.

Each chapter includes:

True accounts of how some everyday heroes and well-known personalities faced their health challenges and learned to cope
Thought-provoking questions and easy to complete activities that will help you look inward to find the strength, courage and determination to face your challenge and find the inner self that you may never have known existed.

The cost is $16.95 plus shipping and handling (add $5.95 for the first book and $1.00 for each additional book if mailed to the same address). PA residents add 6% sales tax; Allegheny County residents add 7%.
To order, send a check or money order payable to:

I Will Survive, Inc.
P.O. Box 10043
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Please allow 10-14 days for delivery.

To read excerpts, click here.

Corinne Laboon will bring the message of I Will Survive to your civic, community, fraternal, health care, religious or social organization.  For more information about having the author speak to your group, contact her directly at laboon1@pair.com.